Rain rain go away come back after my wedding day? I hear ya! but wait a minute .....

Rain on your wedding day is said to be good luck for a long-lasting marriage! According to Hindu traditions, a knot that becomes wet is extremely hard to untie – therefore, when you “tie the knot” on a rainy day, your marriage is supposedly just as hard to undo!
I do get it: looking at your wedding weather forecast and seeing that rain cloud icon can be a real heart-sinker. But rain on your wedding day doesn't have to be bad.
Some of my favourite wedding photos were taken in the rain!
Let's talk about your worries about it. This is what I am here for, just send me a message or give me a call. I have loads of ideas about rainy shots, from groups to couple photos. It's a case of do you want to embrace it? You can not let the weather dampen your wedding day ( bad pun, very sorry)
Take the image at the top of this blog, it was the wettest wedding day I have ever been to. The rain did not stop all day, I had to get changed as I was wet through, it wasn't something we could have planned for. BUT! the couple embraced it! The Venue, Hunters Hall in Norfolk, gave us enough umbrellas for all the VIPS. All the Wedding party came out for 15 mins with me and we had a lot of fun.
That is the Key, we can still have fun. Don't you remember as a kid getting your wellies on and jumping in the puddles in the rain? We can still do this! If you want to.
Arriving in the rain, these are always fun times to capture.

All the umbrellas in an outdoors ceremony

So what if you end up being inside all day? A good thing to think about when you are viewing wedding venues is if you are worried about the rain on your wedding day, what do you want it to be inside and outside, especially if it rains? I understand guests aren't going to want to embrace the rain like crazy little old me. So, Is there an area to do your groups inside? Is there enough room inside for kids to have fun and the adults to sit and catch up? It is worth thinking about..
If you are getting married outside and are outdoorsy people, then go with it! If you get wet you get wet, I say!
Your wedding day is your special day. You can laugh and joke about it in years to come the rain running off the tipi, the little boy giving everyone an umbrella so they didn't get wet.

I don't want to make my dress wet! I hear this a lot. Unless you want to get socked I would never intensely want you to get your dress socked through. You can stand on blankets or towels but I know from the amount weddings I have photographed that your dress will be very dirty by the end of the day anyway.
My top 5 tips, to prepare for a wet wedding day:-
Make sure you have umbrellas - 10 to 20 more if you have a large wedding party.
Pack your wellies in the car
Pick a venue where you can do groups inside as well as outside.
Pick someone to hold the umbrella for you, one of your VIPs (Best man or Best woman)
Blanket to wrap up together in
Whatever happens on your wedding day I will keep my camera up and capture it all, the good the bad and the ugly. These are all the things that make your wedding day unique and totally yours. Why would you not want to remember it all?
If it's cold, wet and windy it just means you will cuddle up closer together, those moments are so precious to capture and I love them.

All these photos are taken on wet and windy days. Enjoy!

I guess I am saying, don't let the weather rule your day. It is not something we can control but what we can do is go with it and make it the best memory and part of your special day.